Stay Mentally Healthy During COVID-19

Staying mentally healthy during times of uncertainty can be difficult. While there is so much going on around us, focusing on what you can control eases feelings of anxiety and worry. The truth is, you have been given an opportunity to slow down, refocus, and do things you may not have had time for in the past.

So, the question is what can we do to stay mentally healthy?

Do Something you have always wanted to do

Stay Mentally Healthy

Perhaps there is a book lying a shelf that you have been wanting to read, or a project around the house you have wanted to do and haven’t had time for. Here are some other examples to spark ideas of things you can do:

-Clean out or organize closets or drawers
-Learn a language
-Take an online course in something you’ve always wanted to learn
-Start a gratitude journal, write down something you are grateful for every day.
-Call or facetime someone you haven’t talked to in a while
-Join a create a virtual book club
-Use a video app like Google Hangouts to stay connected with friends & family.
To make this even easier, pick one thing to do a day to increase your mental health.


Maintain your mental health by staying connected with your therapist through regular telehealth sessions.

Spend less time on Social Media

There is so much information on COVID-19 in the news and on different social media sites that it can be feel overwhelming and provoke anxiety. Set a limit for how much time you spend online. Make sure you are getting information from reputable sources such as the Kansas Department Health, and the CDC.