The Struggle with Anxiety

Anxiety and Ambiguity

One of the things I see clients struggle with is what I call the ambiguity of life. The struggle with ambiguity is that we are forced to face the reality that there are currently many things in life we can’t control, and only a few things we can. Unhappiness, anxiety, and disappointment occur when we try to control or force things that won’t change. But, if we choose to invest our time, energy and thoughts into things we can control, our well-being increases. We become more focused on things that are likely to build character, lead to success and help us move toward our goals.

The Struggle with Ambiguity
Worry about what can’t be controlled leads to anxiety

Making Peace with the Unknown

It’s important that we find a way to make peace with the ambiguity of life. Ambiguity by its very definition means to be open to different ideas or ways of thinking. By learning to appreciate that we don’t always know what’s around the corner, we create space for peace and more enjoyment out of life. We begin to realize that it’s ok to be clear about what we don’t know. This brings us more clarity and challenges the idea that what we think we know with certainty might not actually be true. These type of challenges build character, they enhance our creativity and problem-solving skills. They create wisdom in not knowing by increasing our critical thinking skills. These are the kind of skills that my clients have found helpful in learning how to be comfortable with ambiguity.

Here are a few ways to embrace Ambiguity:
-Focus on what you can control; your reactions, emotions, daily choices
-Consider alternative approaches or ways of thinking
-Here are a few ideas on to manage stress and uncertainty

One of the tools I use to help clients with this is clinical hypnotherapy.